
  Male Infertility (PESE / TESE) With the advent of new technology, new methods of treatments have been evolved. The infertile men who were previously not capable of becoming fathers can now be treated using the latest treatment methods. The capacity to prepare eggs by specifically infusing sperm into an egg (intra-cytoplasmic sperm infusion) implies that not many sperms are expected to accomplish an effective pregnancy. Sperm is delivered in the gonad and transported to the penis where liquid from the prostate joins with the sperm to create semen. There are several techniques to cure the male infertility . However, it depends on various factors that which techniques Is best for any particular conditions.   PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Extraction) PESA and TESA are comparable systems where a needle is utilized to separate sperm from the gonad or epididymis. The epididymis is an organ that lives behind the gonad and where the sperm is developed and build up the capaci